Polní a studijní čísla I -L
ID Igor Dráb, Slovakia (Bratislava)
IPPS Inst. for Protect. & Propag. of Succulent plants
ISI International Succulent Introduction, USA
J Hans Joschko, Germany
JABO Jaroslav Bohata (JB), Czech Rep.
JAF Jane Antonio Garcia Luna & C. Glass, Mexico
JAG Juan Antonio Garcia Luna and C. Glass, Mexico
JB Jaroslav Bohata (JABO), Czech Rep.
JB Josef Busek, Germany (Czech)
JD John Donald, UK
JDV Kobus Venter, South Africa (Sanlamhof)
JE Ježek Zdeněk, Czech Rep. (Kojetín)
JE Mon Jardin Exotique Monaco, Monte Carlo
JF Fahr
JF Jürgen Falkenberg
JI Jiles
JIPE Elias Jimenes Perez & C. Glass, Mexico
JJH Josef J. Halda, Czech Rep. (Sedloňov)
JK Johan Pot & Kik van Boxtel, Netherlands
JL Jacques Lambert, Belgium
JL Joel Lode, France, Spain (Tenerife)
JL Jonas M. Lüthy, Switzerland
JLH John Henshaw
JM Jens Madsen, Denmark
JM John Miller
JM Johnson, M.
JM Josef Mikuláš, USA (New Mexico)
JM Jürgen Menzel
JO Josef Odehnal, Czech Rep. (Brno)
JP John Pilbeam (JPR), UK
JPs John Pilbeam - Sulcorebutia, UK
JPR John Pilbeam (JP), UK
JPR J. Procházka, Czech Rep. (Brno)
JR Jan Říha, Czech Rep. (Lysá nad Labem)
JR John Rawlings
JRB J. R. Brown
JS Jaromír Sladkovský, Czech Rep. (Hradec Králové)
JT J. Theunissen, Netherlands
JV John de Vries, Netherlands
JDW Dodson, J. W.
K Käsinger Friedel, Germany
K Köhres Gerhard, Germany
K Heinz Josef Klein, Germany
K W. Rauh & G. Hirsch, KAKTIMEX expedition
KA Karsten, Herman G. K. W.
KB Kraehenbuehl, W.
KC Keith Comer, UK
Kelly Kelly´s Epiphyllum Collections
KG Karoo Gardens, RSA
KG Gerard Kouradjian, France
KI Kiesling
KK Karel Kníže (KZ), Peru (Lima, Czech)
KM Kimnach Myron, USA
KN Curt Knebel
KOH Köhres Gerhard (catalogue), Germany
KPR Karl-Heinz Prestlé (PR), Belgium
KN Knuth, F. M.
KR Krahn Wolfgang (WK, WF, Kr), Germany
K Sch Schumann, Karl Moritz (SU)
KS Kraus
KS Kunte & Šnicer, Czech Rep.
KU Kunth, Karl S.
KWO Karoo Botanical Garden in Worchester, RSA
KZ Karel Kníže (KK), Peru (Lima, Czech)
KZ Krainz, Hans
L Alfred B. Lau, prof., Germany, Mexico (Lau, LAU)
L&B Lechner Peter et al, Austria
L&H Lavranos John & Horwood Frank
L&L Lechner Peter et al, Austria
L&N Lavranos John & Newton Len
L&P Lavranos John & Pehlemann Inge
LA Labouret, J. (LAB)
LAB Labouret, J. (LA)
LAU Alfred B. Lau, prof., Germany, Mexico (L, Lau)
Lav John Lavranos (LAVR, LV)
LAVR John Lavranos (Lav, LV)
LB Benson, Lyman
LB C. A. Ludwig Bercht (LC), Netherlands
LC C. A. Ludwig Bercht (LB), Netherlands
LD Linden, Seymour (LIND), USA
LE Lehmann, Johann G.
LEM Lemaire, Charles (LM)
LEN Len E. Newton (NEWT, NW), UK, Ghana, Kenya
LEUE Marga Leue
LEUEN Leuenberger, B. E., Germany
LF Ladislav Fischer, Czech Rep. (Hořice v Podkrkonoší)
LG Liogier
LH Ladislav Horáček, Czech Rep. (Písková Lhota)
LH Lavranos, John J. & Horwood, Frank L & H
LI Link, Henrich F.
LIND Linden, Seymour (Lind, LD), USA
LK Link, H. F. & Otto, Friederich
LL Leal, Ruiz
LLOYD Lloyd, Francis E.
LM Lambert Jacques
LM Lemaire, Charles (LEM)
LMD Leo M. Daly
LMP Louw Pretorius, RSA (Kimberley)
LN Von Linneus, Carolus
LNO Lamar N. Orton
LO Brother Leon
LP Lavranos, John J. & Pelham (L&P)
LRM Miller, J. & Bailey, G. et al.
LS Lux & Staník, Slovakia (Bratislava)
LV Lavranos, John J. (Lav, LAVR)
Lx Alexander Lux, Slovakia (Bratislava)
LY Lindsay, George E.
LZ Eberhard Lutz (Lz), USA (Torrey, Utah)